My Baby Grace is 9 Months Old! Wow!!! IM so happy we can celebrate this month with her! What a special Day! Gracie is getting her two bottom teeth. I can feel them just starting to break through. My friend told me to go get a certain teething product and I really need to go get them. She is droooling like crazy! They are called "Hylands teething" tablets all natural and I guess work great. She is crawling all over exploring the house, and loving to play with us all day long. She loves to play in this house toy that she is crawling on, and like to walk when held by the hands. She is a baby on the go, and so cheerful and full of smiles. She sleeps through the night, and takes 2-3 naps a day.

Today Grace was having a Gerber Cookie (very messy) and fell asleep in her highchair! How funny is this!!

Can I take my cookie to dream land?
Happy 9 Months, sweet girl!
she is so cute! I love seeing all the pictures. Glad you have her, everything is going good, and that you celebrated a milestone with her!
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