Wow, it is amazing how fast time flys by! Grace has been home for 5 weeks already. I have to say we are all head over heels sooo in love with this sweetie pie. God sure knows what He is doing when He matches families with their child. She is the best easy going baby and so happy all the time. She will sign "more". She knows how to dance when I say "dancing". She loves music, and loves Baby Einstein "baby MacDonald" a day on the farm movie. It is a great learning video and it is amazing how she looks forward to seeing it. I highly recommend it to anyone with a 9 month old baby. We are sooo enjoying the nice spring weather and going for walks. She will usually fall asleep after about 2 blocks. ...wish she would do that in car rides. She loves outdoors and swinging! She has definetly discovered her voice! Im sure the neighbors hear her experimenting with all the new sounds she says. Of course my favorite sound is mama!! :-)
She is just beautiful! Such a big smile!
Happy 5 weeks!!
I love the photos....adorable!
Such a sweetheart!!!
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