Yeah today we just got an email that Grace Gyeonge-eun has just recieved her Emigration Permit from Korea. This is one of the steps in Korea that had to happen in order for her to travel home. From my understanding her Travel certificate will also follow. Meaning she is good to go for travel. This is similar to a passport, however it is good for only a one way journey out of Korea.
OH WAIT....JUST GOT MAIL...WE GOT OUR I600 I171 APPROVAL!!! YIPPY YAHOO!! This is so huge for our family. If you remember last week I wrote about this and how our USCIS office was taking up to 8 weeks to complete. Thanks to US office of Senator John Thune's office and Wess Roth, our turn around time was 10 days. This means Grace could be home in 4 weeks. Words can not express our appreciation!!! Gracie just may be home for Easter! How funny as Im writing this journal Terry went to the mail box, and wow...there it was! What a great day!
Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord!! How could the day get any better!
YOu may be wondering...What next..well...The next step is that our paper work goes to the US National Visa Center in DC. our paper work will be logged in and then logged out. Grace will be given a case number. We have already called twice to see if they have it yet, and they do not. Please pray this next few steps that paper work gets in the right hands and on the right desks. AFter this step then our P3 paper work will make its lovely way to South Korea. That will be the last stop where they do a visa interview, and she will be ready to travel. Lots of information, but we just live each day and go by each step. If you see on the right of our blog you can see our timeline of everything. This is always exciting to be able to mark something new off our list. Please leave us your comments, and or prayers!! We love to hear from you!
Whoo hoooo.....yeah Tina! This is such great news - things are moving forward. God is good! I am so happy for your guys....can't wait to read the words "TRAVEL CALL".
Yay!!!!!! That is fantastic!
Oh my goodness! Things are moving so much faster than expected! I can't wait to see her! Maybe she'll be here by the time I come home again! You're all in my prayers! Miss and love you!
Oh my it is getting so close. Soon that baby will be home with her forever family. Such good news!!! Now let's see a TC.
Her little lips have got to be the most perfect EVER! She is so stinkin' cute! Congratulations on getting two huge steps complete!
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