Today we got the call we have been waiting for....Your little Gracie Gyeong-eun will be home on April 16th. She will leave Seoul Korea on Wednesday night at 11:10pm, and arrive here at 3:51pm on Thursday (our times) Oh my gosh!!!! I can't believe after all this time, we will finally see her face to face. We will be able to kiss those little cheeks and cuddle her and love her forever! She is coming home! Thank you Jesus for this beautiful gift you have given to us. I thank you Lord for molding us to be what you want us to be. Isn't it amazing how when I let go ...really let go and new I could do nothing to make her come home faster...it is then that God can do His work!!! Please continue to pray for all of us to stay healthy, and that all flights are on schedule!! Praise God! What a great Easter! April 16th is also my father-inlaws Birthday! Pretty Special!!
Awesome!!! Congrats!!!
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!! I'm so glad that we finally have a date to look forward to! What amazing news! God is so great! Love you all!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet you at the airport!!! We'll iron out the details later! I'm SOOOO excited for your family!!! Have a great next week preparing for her arrival!
Wahoo!!! God is SO good! Your baby girl is coming home - what a blessing!! So happy for you!
All I can say is Congrats! That has to be such an amazing feeling!
Oh what wonderful news!!! Congratulations!!! Gracie will be home very soon and will be in your arms forever.
I am so THRILLED for you! What a blessing and I can't wait to see your first photo together as a family. The payoff for patience is THIS moment!
Katie M.
Yippee! It's about time! God is good. Now I am praying that 1 week doesn't feel like 1 month.
AWESOME! I was so excited to hear the exciting news in the grocery store, of all places! BUT glad I got to run into Terry. The boys and I had a great bedtime prayer, lots about all of you! They are so excited for Bailey and Amanda too! Actually J and O have something for you so we might stop by quick, on our way out tomorrow!
What an awesome God we serve! Love ya guys,
Stacey and the boys
So excited for you!
She is finally coming home!
Praise the Lord!
WOO HOOOO!!!! So happy for you and your family!
Ya!!!! Oh I know you all are counting down the days! Congrats! Can't wait to see pictures with her Forever Famly!!
So glad to see this post. WAHOOO!!!!!!! This is just soooo exciting!
Congratulations on the call! All the stress and worrying are worth it as soon as you hold your little one in your arms.
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