Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Heart Test Results...

This week I finally had the final tests done to check my heart.  They did a test called a stress echocardiogram. For an hour and a half I was able to see my own heart...which was amazing to see! I could not help not to be amazed at God once again. The detail of our bodies is amazing and how each part of our body is important. Of course I wanted to hear that my heart was completly perfect. But today my doctor called to let me know that  I have something called Mitro Valve Prolaps. You may ask what is this? ......So here are just some of the details...
Your mitral valve controls blood flow on the left side of your heart. The valve opens and closes with each heartbeat. It works like a one-way gate, letting blood flow from your upper heart chamber to your lower chamber. When you have mitral valve prolapse, the valve closes after blood flows through. But the valve bulges backward a little. It looks like a tiny parachute or balloon as it bulges. This condition is not life threatening, and I can keep doing all the things I have been doing. Later in life a person may need to have the valve repaired. They will watch it every 3 years.  It explains to us why I have had the chest pressure, tiredness at times and migraines can also be associated with this. Interesting how one little thing can affect your body or in this case the central nervous system. I won't post all the details on this blog....because there is alot of information out there on it, so if you want to learn more about this you can visit this site or google mitro valve prolaps (MVP).  
You may ask...How is Tina doing.....Well I can say that right now I'm reading and learning more information about it. I believe being fully educated about it will answer some of my questions and lessen my worry or fears. I am thankful that this is really nothing too serious, but just something to watch and be aware of. ...No it is not the answer that I wanted, but I know as with everything God already has his hands all over my life and He will watch over me. He IS my strength when I am week....and lately..boy have I felt week at times!!!   I have been through alot in my life, and the one thing I know for sure is that God walks with us, and sometimes He carries us!  In everything I praise Him !!
Thank you for your prayers, I have felt them all!

1 comment:

Krista said...

I'm so glad you finally got in to have your tests! It'a so crazy that we both have the same thing! It's always a little scary when I have episodes, but knowing it's not life threatening is very reassuring! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family! Love you lots!