Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Words from an Adoptee...

The day I was "Caught off Guard" (read the highlight to go to that post) By the comments from a bold woman, I was happy when I read this comment from Kim. I know not everyone comes back to read the comments so I wanted to post what she said and give hope to others through her words! Here is what she said about adoption and being an adoptee from Korea also! Thank you Kim, you made my day

"I can give you the other side...I am truly happy that I was adopted. My parents loved me, I got to go to school and to college, and now I believe that I have a successful career and a family of my own that could never be replaced. I know not only about my own culture, but also the cultures of other countries that I probably wouldn't have had the privilege to learn about.
Yes, people can say things that are certainly not appropriate and I believe it is either due to ignorance or lack of education. And many of these people choose to live a life of scorn, anger, complaints, or being introverted. I'm sorry that the woman said that to you. You are not alone when people say things like that. But, there are many of us adoptees out there who will back up pro-adoption any time, anywhere!"


Kristi J said...

so great...AND, i missed a negative comment to ya...can't imagine someone writing something negative to your or about adoption...stay strong and know there are a few crazies in the world, but LOTS of people that support orphans and adoption :) kj

Mel said...

as another adult interracially adopted adoptee, i second kim :)

well said as usual, kim.

Kala said...

Wow, that makes you feel better! Thanks for sharing :)

Dina said...

Love that you posted this. Thank-you!!! I think it's always in the back of our minds that our children have views like Kim's!! So nice to hear.