Saturday, April 18, 2009

Home at Last!!

Gracie is home at last!! Our drive home went on forever so it seemed. After getting Grace we headed home....soon down the road we were surprised by a blizzard and the interstate traffic came to a complete stop. Cars did not move for one hour. As we sat there trying to make the best of a hard situation...we looked up on a snowy dark hill and there was a cross lit up on the Hill. We were amazed! And we were quickly reminded that God is with us and we should not worry. Soon after that traffic began moving again but interstate was being closed, we had to pull over at the next town, and took the last two rooms available! The next morning we were able to keep heading for home. ...
When we pulled up at home we were surprised to see that some of our friends had been to the house and decorated the outside and the inside, made fresh cinnamon rolls and made everything so very special for us when we got home. Thanks Vicki, Dawn, Stacey, Andrea, and Barb! We loved everything you did to pamper us and make comming home special with Grace!
Welcome Home My Baby!


Krista said...

That last picture made me cry as soon as I saw it.... I can just tell she is already part of the family with her arm around you and looking so calm and content! And she is wearing the outfit I sent for her! yay!! That made me feel like I was there in some small way! How incredible that she has finally made it HOME!

Stacey said...

So, how was your night last night (Sat)? I saw Terry but didn't see you at church! What did ya do today? Hope all is well!
Again, I am so glad I got to see Gracie yesterday. I feel like I am not so antsy now! hugs!

Jen said...

Welcome Home Grace!!!!

cara said...

Congrats!!!! I love reading about home comings :)